Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Wonders of Sea/Tac

Bear with me folks, this is my first post!

The past week has been busy, slow, sad, and happy as I anticipated this trip!  Not to mention the stress from spending so much time with my beloved dentist on account of my unwavering luck and grace.  But that is a whole other can of worms!  Reflecting on this past week I'm just glad to be finally sitting in the A8 terminal waiting for my flight to Dallas, Texas. (I know what you're thinking, WHY would she pick the place where the superbowl is happening tomorrow?!)  In my own defense I booked this flight many months ago before the football game AND the less than satisfactory weather in Texas at the moment.  I gave a sad see ya later to all my friends and co-workers at PLU and I hope they don't suffer too much chaos in my absence ;)  HAHA just kidding!  They're all so amazing, I'm pretty sure they just keep me around for entertainment!  Last night was my last hoo-rah with my WONDERFUL parents, relatives, and friends.  I can't even express how grateful I am for all the people in my life and everyone that came to dinner last night.  But don't worry, they only had to suffer my charades for so long before my parents fed everyone and made it all worth while.  My parents make the perfect kitchen duo and definitely didn't dissapoint anyone with a salmon/prime rib/ham main course combo with cheesy potatoes, green salad, fruit salad, and beans.  Needless to say my last "american" meal was tasty and I'm glad I got to share it with family and friends!

Nerves just started to hit me yesterday but I'm glad to say my tummy has calmed down and I'm ready to get on that plane and go!  I kind of cringed when I exchanged my american dollars though.  The exchange rate is about $1.85 for the equivalent of one pound, so I paid about $270 for $150 worth of pounds.  I know, ouch.  But I've been preparing for this so I was ready to fork out the bucks!  My total flight hours add up to about 12, I believe, but I'm actually looking forward to it. My host Mother informed me that she will be waiting for me at Heathrow Airport in London wearing a purple fleece and holding a sign with my name on it (like the movies! yes!).  Her name is Jan, she's 62 with two grown children and she's been hosting study away students for 14 years.  My roommate Paula (also a sophomore at PLU) is already in Europe and I will also be meeting her at the airport.

Eying the other passengers among me waiting for the same flight, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the seat by the lady with two young, restless kids.  This is a safe assumption judging by my luck.  I'm also getting nervous because our flight was delayed an hour and there's people lining up at the counter... What does this mean?  Oh well, I have a seat by the window and I think as long as theres no airplane outside I'm safe.  I'm not sure how well I'm doing this blogging jazz but hopefully I'll get better.  I'll write again of my travels to Europe when I get there and all settled in!  But for now I'm going to plot how to avoid the lady with the kids on the plane.......... Thanks for reading!



  1. I hope the weather allows you some fantastic views of Mt. Rainier and the rest of the Cascades from your window seat!

  2. WOOO I love you Koira! i hope you get there safe!
