Monday, February 7, 2011

Jet Lag: Kyra's Worst Nightmare...

It's about 5:30 a.m. right now and I can't decide if I'm still tired or not after sleeping 8 hours.
I naively thought I would be in the clear after sleeping nearly 16 hours (after being awake for 27) when I got to my home-stay, but unfortunately jet lag is a beast I think I'll be fighting for weeks.

I'd like to thanks everyone who wished me safe travels!  As my travels were certainly safe, they weren't necessarily the most enjoyable.  I think back and ask myself, what exactly had I been looking forward to on a 9 hour flight?  I mean, they played a couple good movies and I had a good book along with my Zune to keep me otherwise occupied (since sleep was not an option for me,) but I just couldn't bring myself to have fun as the huge man in front of me pushed his seat back as far as he could, the kid next me tried to roll up into an uncomfortable ball, and I had to hold my earphones in the plug in order to hear the movie because the plug in was broken.  Subtract sleep from this equation and Kyra was not a happy camper.  Though honestly I really have nothing major to complain about, and I'm thankful my flights worked out and I made it safely!

My first day in London was great!  After waking from my 16 hour slumber, I got ready for the day and my roommate and I had our first Tube adventure.  For anyone who's reading this and doesn't know, the Tube is one of London's main transportation systems.  It's sort of like a subway and a train mixed together.  Thank goodness for my roommate Paula aka my travel guide!  She's awesome at getting us where we need to go, which takes some stress off my shoulders!  I assured her I would provide entertainment in place of the usefulness that I clearly do not provide.  All this first week of school is just orientation.  We'll be getting more familiar with the program, what we'll be doing and where we'll be going.  We'll be going to lots of plays and visiting tons of cool places, not including our own travel plans! For example, tomorrow we're visiting Greenwich.  I also went to my first pub last night!  But I didn't have anything to drink.  I'm still a bit fogged and a little dehydrated from travels and pint didn't sound too appealing.  Plus I'll have plenty time for that later! ;) I haven't started taking pictures yet, but I certainly will.  Hopefully sooner than later I'll get used to this sleeping schedule and be less tired all the time!

And yes... the accents are awesome!!!  I haven't picked one up as quickly as I thought, but that's mostly because I'm surrounded by fellow Americans so it'd be weird to use the British accent.  I definitely can use it though, and I never get tired of it!  Anyways, this blog entry was pretty basic because I just wanted to give all my loved ones a quick update.  Hope all is well for everyone in the states, and I do of course miss you all!


1 comment:

  1. My wife makes me giggle, the jet lag will go away sooner than you think. And rock the accent! Miss you!
