Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ten Days in, I'm Still Kickin!

I've now been a resident of the UK for ten days but it feels like a month, and I've enjoyed 98% of it!  I've began my pub adventures with fellow peers of AHA, shared quality time with my host family and roommate, started planning future travels, and so much more.

Pubs certainly aren't what I imagined.  Unlike a bar, they are social venues for families and friends and people that want to relax, not necessarily party.  I've been to a handful and can say that I had a different experience at each.  Most are very chill since I go with a group of friends, but that's not always the case.  A few days ago two of my girlfriends and I went to a pub outside of Kings Cross train station for a drink before we went home not knowing, as we were later informed by our host mother, that Kings Cross is more of a "bad area." That being said, we walked in and my two friends went and got their drinks, when they got back I left to the bar to order mine.  A drunk man with an absolutely hardly understandable, terrible accent started talking to me.  While I was attempting to understand this man, another walked by me and slapped my butt then winked at me.  I was absolutely disgusted and walked away as quickly as I could.  While we were talking about travel plans, the ugly man approached us again and talked some small talk then said some inappropriate things.  I then bluntly reminded him that we were busy and he should leave.  But don't worry everybody! We will not go back to Kings Cross and we definitely always stay in groups, plus most pub experiences aren't like this one.

Last Sunday our host mother and her daughter invited Paula and I out for Lunch to a carvery. Basically at this kind of restaurant, it's an all you can eat potatoes and vegetables kind of deal and you also get meat but only one serving. There are men behind the counter to carve the kind of meat you would like off of a huge chunk of whatever it is. When I told the men that I wanted pork and beef they asked what kind of accent I had (which is usually what people say instead of "where are you from") and I told them I was American.  It was funny because one man started talking in a southern American accent and the other trying to imitate me, I had a good laugh at it.  The food was great and the service as well.  Our waiters name was Victor and he is Czechoslovakian, I really loved his accent and he was very talkative.  He wanted to know where in America we were from (recognizing our accents.)  Katherine (Jan's daughter) said that he was pulled to me I think was the term she used, because he kept staring at me while he was talking to the group.  It was quite flattering and he was very cute so that made my day!

As I said we were planning at the pub when we were so rudely interrupted, Paula my roommate and our friend Jen who is also in our program have made some exciting travel plans!  We purchased our tickets to York this Saturday to the annual Viking Festival there, and I'm sooo excited!!  We also purchased a guided day trip to Stone Henge, Bath, and Windsor Castle for next month.  We are going on a class trip next weekend to Scotland as well, two nights and three days.  We are currently trying to figure out what we'll do for our mid semester break at the end of March, when we'll do a trip to Paris, a trip to Ireland, and a trip to Germany.

School is on the roll but still just beginning.  My classes are at least interesting, but I'm still not looking foward to writing papers and doing presentations.  I guess thats why I'm here though? Overrated ;P My next blog entry will probably focus more on the culture I've experienced here and they way the people are, because I know many people are interested.  I'm afraid I'm still not the best of blog writers, but I still hope to get better. I miss you all!!



  1. Kyra-Sounds like you are having a great time and good for you for standing up for yourself! Don't forget to take lots of pictures! Mind the Gap!

  2. HAHA You gotta take lots of pics with those hot european guys!!-- sorry about the creeps :/

  3. Have a great time! Be safe! It will be fun to read about your adventures!

  4. Thank you! I will! Can I ask everyone to post their name with their comment if your screen name does not reflect it? Just so I know :)
